Every day is different at Hickling preschool with a wide range of activities for the children to get involved in.
Upon arrival children are greeted at the door by the friendly members of staff and encouraged to hang up their own coats, place their water bottles and packed lunch boxes in the relevant places.
Free flow play is encouraged so that the children can explore for themselves the different activities set out whilst being fully supervised. Help is offered when needed but children are encouraged to work things out for themselves as much as possible. Adult directed activities such as arts and crafts and baking are also offered.

A morning snack is offered around 10:30 which usually consists of a variety of fruits, cereals, toast, or crackers from which the children can choose. With this glasses of milk or water are given. The children are all encouraged to sit together at the snack table and to help themselves where possible.

The morning session usually ends with some quiet activities such as reading a story.
Children not staying for lunch club or the afternoon session are then collected.
Lunch Club
Every day we run a lunch club from 12.15-13.15, which enables children to stay and eat a packed lunch (not provided) with their friends, fully supervised. The children and supervisors sit together at a table to eat their lunches supporting children’s learning, development and welfare, allowing them to build relationships with adults and peers. They are encouraged to manage their own personal hygiene and clear up after themselves. This setting also develops an understanding of the need for rules and codes of behaviour when within a group.
Other Activities
Every Tuesday the children get to hone their baking skills and learn maths and social skills while creating lovely treats. We are fortunate to have access to local apples and blackberries which the children can use to make pies and crumbles when in season!
Throughout the week we focus on the development of the children’s physical skills with PE activities and games.
The children often visit the mobile library each month, helping to encourage a love of books and reading.